we are proud to present a BRAND NEW WORLD EXCLUSIVE! HOS WANNA FUCK MY CAR!!! not since cronenberg's controversial film "crash" have we sseen people so interested in coitus automobilious!
check these kewl katz from the bay performing this ICEY jam!!!! ONLY ON HOTTJAMZ!!!!!!!
hottjamz.com is a fresh new site showcasing some songs from awesome bands! we help you discover all the new stuff bubbling up from the undergound! one guy is named paco the taco! feel free to send us cease and desist letters or nudie pix of your mom/girlfriend/sister we work really hard to make find new jams that you can bump in your truck or your house or whatever! we like all sorts of music like rap and rock and metal and classic rock and hip hop. maybe one of our artists is a rapper and then another is hard rock, but do you want to know the one thing they have in common is their both awesome? maybe we will find the next mariah carey and get rich then drink crystal in our mansions! we dont really gicve a shit about selling out or any of that stuff. if you want to party, come party with hottjamz!
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